Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Principal Functions Of The Brain

The human Brain is an amazing and vital part of our bodies. The brain controls virtually every organ in our bodies and it provides the means for us to think and act. Let’s discuss some of the important functions of the brain and where they occur.

The cerebral cortex is one of the largest parts of the brain and it is what makes the brain so complex and able to operate in a unique manner. The cerebral cortex is a large mass of neural tissue that covers the area of the forebrain.

Keep in mind that part of the reason why man can function in a much more sophisticated and complex manner is because the size of the human brain is about three times larger than an animal, which is similar in size. The human brain can simply do more because it has built in capabilities to do so.

Another area of the human brain, which distinguishes itself from other brains, is the frontal lobe. It is quite large in relation to other brains from similarly sized animals. The frontal lobes are the part of the brain which performs things like self control, abstract reasoning, abstract thought, and planning.

The occipital lobe is another part of the brain, which is believed to enable vision to occur. This area is also quite a bit larger than the same area in the brains of other animals.

There are also sections of the brain which perform tasks on a more unconscious level. For example the brainstem is an area of the brain which controls automatic functions like heart rate, breathing, etc. It is believed that the brainstem is a more primitive part of the brain as it does functions, which do not typically require higher thought.

Other key areas of the brain include the following.

It is believed that higher level thinking occurs within the neocortex. This is also integral to learning and memory. The manner in which the body is controlled for movement and posture occurs within the cerebellum.

There are other sections of the brain which contain extensive neural cells and transport mechanisms. In addition certain glands are present which create compounds, which are vital in enhancing brain function and control.

The brain is a highly complex but sensitive part of the body. It is largely protected from damage and injury due to its encasement within the skull. The brain is also cushioned from most impacts by surrounding it with a viscous fluid.

However injury can occur if the skull is damaged or if the brain suffers an impact, which causes the brain tissue to become pressured. If the brain becomes damaged and swells, it can create more problems because the pressure cannot be easily relieved. If a brain injury occurs, it is important to minimize swelling as well as relieve pressure if it occurs.

Brain Injury prevention through the use of protective headgear is a very important goal. If you can protect your head, you can typically protect your brain from most injuries.

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