As studies continue, it is becoming more and more clear that what you eat can have just as powerful of an impact on mental health as any prescribed drug you may flood your system with. It has been found that fresh apples in one’s diet can improve memory while sustaining mental and brain health.
A doctor at the University of Massachusetts has gone on the record of saying apple juice can have the same effect as Alzheimer’s drugs on the production of chemicals in the brain that signals memory.
Other studies have backed this up stating that the consistent consumption of apples will protect neurons from any damage that naturally occurs from aging. On top of this, it can equally improve nerve cell communication in the brain that prevents and reverses some signs of Alzheimer’s disease.
Research continues on food, specifically vegetables and fruits, and the kind of impact they have on the body and mind. But there is no denying the fact that apples have jumped to the forefront of this research as it has become increasingly associated with mental health and the brain.
More recent studies have found that the multiple activity and effect of antioxidants and flavonoids that are within apples reduces brain-cell inflammation and oxidation that typically occurs because of free radicals. Simply eating two apples a day can increase the levels of acetylcholine, which are neurotransmitters that influence brain signals responsible for movement and sensory perception.
Eating an apple or two a day will also diminish the accumulation of toxins in the brain, specifically beta-amyloid. This has long been thought to be one of the primary culprits that cause Alzheimer’s.
Apples have always been considered a fruit that can keep you healthy and out of the doctor’s office. With this new evidence, it now shows they can aid, halt and reverse Alzheimer’s disease while enhancing cognitive functions, preventing memory loss and helping with other mental health and brain matters.
But if you truly want to enhance your mental health and make the most of what you have to offer, you may want to consider throwing the old saying away and jumping to two apples a day.
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