As you begin to look at the brain, you will find it to be made of up three basic units with each having its own responsibilities. The three components include the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain.
The first of the three brain parts we will look at is the hindbrain, which includes the upper part of the spinal cord, the brain stem and a tissue called the cerebellum. This part of the brain is responsible for controlling the body’s vital functions like respiration and heart rate. The cerebellum takes care of movement. Whether you shoot a basketball or type on a computer, you are activating the cerebellum.
The next part of the brain to look at is the midbrain, which is the uppermost part of the brainstem. This is responsible for controlling some reflex actions as well as controlling eye movements and other voluntary movements.
The last of the brain parts to identify is the forebrain, which is the largest and most highly developed part of the brain. This highly sophisticated piece consists primarily of the cerebrum and everything hidden beneath.
As you look at pictures of the brain, you will typically notice the cerebrum first as it sits at the top most of the brain and is the main source of intellectual activities. This is what is responsible for holding memories and avoiding memory loss, planning out, providing imagination all while allowing you to properly think. Without your cerebrum, recognizing friends, playing sports and reading books would be impossible.
The cerebrum is often viewed as the most important of the brain parts, although they all serve a crucial purpose. The cerebrum consists of two halves that are split by a deep fissure. And even with the split, the two hemispheres are capable of communicating with each other through thick tracts of nerve fibers. Each hemisphere differs even though they appear to be mirror images.
Each of the different brain parts works together to make up who you are and how you are able to function. Whether it is cutting chicken, driving down the road, or walking from the living room to the kitchen, none of this would be possible without the brain.
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