Your brain is one of the most integral organs in your body. It is the processor and main control center for every single body function from lifting your little finger to the feeling of joy and everything in between. The uses for our brains are endless but there are some key ways each of us use our brain everyday.
Movement - Your brain does many processes everyday that control everything about our motion. The brain sends signals through the spinal cord and through the nerves to carry out the action it requested. Your body can also produce movement not associated with the brain which is referred to as knee jerk such as the example when a doctor knocks your knee with a hammer. Most body motions are controlled by the brain however and brain fitness and mental health have been proven to be an important part of keeping it in shape.
Memory - Your brain is in charge of storing and accessing all your memories. From the recent memories like where your car keys are right now to deep rooted memories from your childhood. There are many different types of memories the brain processes and the sharper your brain is the sharper your memories are.
Emotion - Your brain is also the center of your emotions. It processes information from all the senses including hearing, smelling, seeing, touching and tasting to evoke certain feelings associated with the sense you experienced. The brain and brain fitness can also regulate your overall mood as well as highs and lows you may experience.
Reasoning - This function of the brain can be called reasoning, critical thinking, logic or problem solving. We use this part of the brain everyday to make decisions from the most simple to the most difficult. The brain is able to process tons of different types of information and form decisions based on input. The more you use your brain the sharper these reasoning functions become.
Beyond these basic functions we use our brain 100 different ways everyday. The brain controls even the things we think we don’t have to think about. Every action and reaction is calculated and processed by your brain.
There is an old myth that we use less than 10% of our brain. This myth is not true the reality is we use all the parts of our brain since they all have different functions. However what has proven to be true is that at any one time we are likely using no more than 25-35% of our brain.
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